Ho Mann Jahaan is a coming of age urban story set in present-day Karachi. The film revolves around three main characters – Arhan (Sheheryar Munawar), Manizeh (Mahira Khan) and Nadir (Adeel Husain). The story is about their friendship born out of shared experiences, passion for music and aspiration for fame. Sonya Jehan plays the role of Sabina, a powerful independent character symbolizing strength and wisdom. The film is a reflection of the current dichotomy that exists in our society where we talk of free will but readily accept conformity. Parents impose restrictions and dictate terms, because they love their children but at times don’t understand them. This is a film of many layers, connecting to both younger as well as the older generation.
Directed by : Asim Raza
Produced by : Sheheryar Munawar And Asim Raza
Written by : Yasir Hussain
Music by : Zebunissa Bangash, Atif Aslam And Faakhir Mehmood
Cast : Mahira Khan, Adeel Hussain, Sheheryar Munawar, Sonya Jehan, Bushra Ansari, Arshad Mahmud, Nimra Bucha , Jamal Shah, Ahmed Ali Akbar
Subtitles/CC: English & Arabic