Bachaana is a 2016 Pakistani romantic thriller film starring Mohib Mirza and Sanam Saeed. A bubbly Indian girl named Aalia (Sanam Saeed) in trouble is forced by circumstances involving her husband Jhangir ‘J’ (Adeel Hashmi) to place her faith in a Pakistani cab driver, Vicky (Mohib Mirza), who she meets by chance in Mauritius Airport, who then takes it upon himself to make Aalia’s safe return to India possible. Along the way, the two find themselves in a whirlwind of doubt, narcotics, illegally fast driving, secrets and of course, romance.
Directed : Nasir Khan
Produced : Rizwan Saeed
Written by : Saad Azhar
Cast : Mohib Mirza as Vicky, Sanam Saeed as Aalia, Adeel Hashmi as Jahangir “Jay”, Rasheed Ali, Acktar Ghi And Jean Paul Jacquin.